Using Previous Roles To Amplify Your Leadership with Austen Asadorian

If you were to leave your position as a leader tomorrow, what would happen?
Would everything continue running as normal because you built repeatable systems that are designed to run without you?
Or would everything fall apart because the systems you have in place rely on you running them?
This is a really important area where I spend a lot of time working with leaders in the B2B Leaders Academy.
In this episode, best-selling author and leadership coach Nils Vinje speaks with Austen Asadorian, Senior Vice President of Sales at SevenRooms.
Before getting into the tech world, Austen ran restaurants for the Hillstone group and learned the incredible power of systems that can run without you.
Tune in to this episode to get all the juicy details.
In this episode...

0:41 - Austen's background - Austen explains his role at SevenRooms.
1:24 - Guest management software - How is SevenRooms different from a generic reservation system?
5:46 - First leadership position - Austen got his start in the restaurant industry.
8:25 - Battlefield promotion - How did Austen transition into managing a restaurant?
11:18 - Balancing criticism - How does Austen approach positive and negative feedback?
15:02 - From restaurant manager to the tech world - Austen explains how he got his foot in the door on the tech side of things.
20:35 - The restaurant/showroom commonalities - What are the parallels between running a restaurant and running a showroom?
24:22 - Working yourself out of your own job - Austen gives his response to the statement made by Nils.
27:09 - Finding the gaps - How does Austen feel about actively seeking challenges?
29:33 - The tough decision to move on - Austen left Peloton before it became a household name.
36:16 - Austen's advice to himself - What advice would Austen give his younger self?


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