The Financial and Professional Gains of Going Alcohol-Free with James Swanwick

Are you ready to challenge the norms and rethink your relationship with alcohol this year?
As we kick off a new chapter, let's dive into a conversation that might just transform your life.
In this episode, I had the privilege of reconnecting with James Swanwick, the visionary behind Alcohol-Free Lifestyle.
Our dialogue centered around the profound impact of sobriety and the remarkable outcomes witnessed in James' transformative program, Project 90.
New Year, New You: Embrace the Sobriety Revolution
As we navigate the maze of resolutions and aspirations that accompany January, it's time to ask ourselves: How can a healthier connection with alcohol elevate our lives?
James and I explored the avenues of personal growth, career amplification, heightened productivity, and an overall uplifted mindset that come with bidding farewell to alcohol.
Having embraced sobriety for a year myself, I can vouch for the positive changes.
Yet, we delved into the hesitations many harbor, waiting a decade before seeking support for their drinking habits.
This conversation isn't just for those with severe issues but extends to socially acceptable drinkers sipping a few nightly beverages over the years.
The Hidden Toll of Alcohol
James unveiled a startling truth—just one seemingly innocuous drink per night could lead to brain degeneration and other detrimental effects over time.
We discussed not only the health consequences but also the financial burdens associated with DUIs, medication, and divorce.
In my experience, around 80% of those I've worked with were unknowingly affected by their drinking habits.
It's time to challenge societal norms and make the empowering choice to redefine our relationship with alcohol.
Elevating Professional Performance
On a scale of 1 to 10, we estimated that individuals who drink hover around a 6 in their professional lives, affecting potential earnings ranging from $100,000 to $200,000 annually.
Imagine the transformation if one were to abstain consistently for 90 days or a year—operating at a solid nine out of ten.
James emphasized the significant shift in clarity, focus, and career opportunities that such a change could bring.
The True Cost of Alcohol Consumption
James broke down the numbers: a couple of hundred dollars a week on alcohol-related activities sums up to approximately $5,200 per year.
Combine this with the potential income loss, and the financial toll of alcohol could be staggering—around $55,000 annually or $150 per day.
Project 90: A Game-Changer
Enter James' brainchild, Project 90—a program boasting a staggering 98% success rate in reducing drinking, far surpassing the 7% of AA and 6% of rehab programs.
Anchored in coaching, accountability, community, fun, and genuine commitment, Project 90 is rewriting the narrative of alcohol dependence.
Transformative Stories: A Glimpse into Real Success
James shared Jessica Gaines' journey, celebrating almost five years of sobriety thanks to Project 90.
I chimed in with my own experiences of championing James' program and witnessing positive transformations among my followers.
Conclusion: Embrace the Power of Sobriety
I owe a debt of gratitude to James for the inspiration and the positive impact of Project 90 on my life.
If you're intrigued by the prospect of a 90-day stop-drinking journey, James has a gift for you—a free guide, the Alcohol Freedom Formula for entrepreneurs and business professionals, waiting at
Let's not underestimate the power of raising awareness about alcohol.
As you embark on your journey, remember, your potential knows no bounds—unlock it with the gift of sobriety.
Learn more about Alcohol-Free Lifestyle at
Explore the free guide, the Alcohol Freedom Formula, at
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In this episode...
00:00 - Introduction: The Misconceptions of Quitting Alcohol
05:40 - The Socially Acceptable Drinker: A Hidden Problem
08:49 - The Cost of Drinking: Health, Wealth, and Relationships
20:44 - The Cost of Alcohol Consumption
22:54 - The University Study on Alcohol Consumption
24:27 - The Results of the Study
30:06 - The Importance of Investment in Change
39:13 - The Alcohol Freedom Formula

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